Monday, February 05, 2007

Missing my sister, my friend

January 3rd, 2006 was the last time I ever got to sit and chat with or give a hug to my friend, my sister (technically my foster sister, but we didn't care much for technicalities). Missy passed away Jan. 29th, 2006. This was the last photo ever taken of her ... she was at our house holding our little Baby Z. That was a whole year ago now; I had thought it wouldn't still be this hard. But she was certainly a shining example of "growing in rejoicing". She lived most beautifully in the Lord. She lived, she loved ... always moving forward.

I have reasons to rejoice! My life was blessed by her presence from the time we were 15 and into our 30's. I learned a lot from her attitude, her determination, and her love of the Lord. And I know that one day, one glorious day, I will see her again in Heaven.

Please visits this link to lean more about Mitochondrial Disease:

United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation

Philippians 1:21