Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas Shopping

Well, the season is here to brave the crowds and find those perfect gifts to express love to family and friends. Of course a pregnant mom with 4 kids in tow, is not the best candidate for this job. But we try. Last night we were pleasantly surprised by an event at our local christian bookstore. They held a Children's shopping night. I registered our 12, 9, and 5 year olds a few days before and we arrived just before they were closing the store to normal business. From 6-8:30 it was open only to the families who signed up for this experience. Parents filled out "lists" of who the kids were to shop for and how much the child could spend of each gift, then we purchased a gift card for the total amount, when we registered. So last night the kids walked in with gift cards and lists, ready to independently choose the gifts they would give mom, dad and siblings. The were so excited and very proud to be keep their purchases a surprise. The store has a coffee shop where the parents hung out and waited, they also had snacks and crafts for the kids who were waiting their turn to shop. The kids went in shifts as there were only 8 "personal shoppers" (store employees) to escort the kids thru the store. They helped them stay with in their price parameters, gave them gift suggestions, helped them checkout, and then helped wrap each gift they bought. It was so much fun to see my kids so excited to pick out gifts for each other ... it will be even more fun on Christmas to watch them as they watch each other open those gifts. So that was the beginning of our Christmas shopping ... we'll see if the rest goes so smoothly


Unknown said...

What a neat event! And I'm glad you guys got some shopping done!