Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Homeschool Memoir #23

Over at The Homeschool Post they are hosting a weekly meme, I've really been enjoying, but not been very good about participating (I am hoping to improve that here in 2009). Please come visit this week's Homeschool Memoirs and join the fun:

Homeschool Memoirs!

This week’s theme is going to be on unit studies. Some people are really big on unit studies, others aren’t, and some use them as their primary learning tool. I think they’re great a fun way to encompass everything in what you’re studying. please share your favourite unit study and if you’ve never done one before share one you’d like to do.

What is a unit study?
It is defined as an in-depth study of a topic (space, trees, cars, etc.) that takes into account many areas of the topic, such as geography, science, history, art, etc. It is a complete immersion into the topic so that the student will see things as a “whole” instead of bits and pieces learned throughout their education.

All of the unit studies we've done have been lap books, here are a few of our favorites:


Horses, Eagles and Beavers

And the week we are starting a lapbook unit study on CS Lewis's book Prince Caspian


Rachel said...

I saw your blog listed in the email sent out to the area LLL leaders. I had to check it out as I blog too and found that we have much in common. I don't know if you remember but, I'm the leader who lost a baby in Oct. she was stillborn (full-term) due to a knotted cord. I saw that you've lost two babies, homeschool, and are a believer so I had to say hi. I'm always looking for other moms who are understanding of my loss. And we recently found out we're expecting another baby. Anyway, HI and I hope we can "chat" sometime.