Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

I was so excited when my boys brought home the red, white and blue papers from school to fill out. Their school was planning a special Veteran's Day Chapel Service and they wanted the kids to fill out papers about any relatives they might have serving or who have served in the military. We are very proud of our family's military vets, so we set right to work filling in dates, ranks, and listing who served in which branch of the service. I was also able to find photos of each family member in their service uniform.

Their daddy, my wonderful husband Allen, served in the Navy for 8 years in the 1990s, on a submarine:

Their Papa Roger served in the Army, in the Signal Corps in the 1960s:

Their Great-Grandpas (both my grandpas) served in the Navy and Air Force during the 1940s and WWII:

I'm so pleased that the school my boys are attending has chosen to honor our service members this way. I mentioned to my dad that we were going to have this special Veteran's Day service and he offered to pick up my Great-Grandparents (who live an hour away) and bring them down for the morning. How wonderful!!! They had a fantastic time. And Allen's parents (who also an hour away) drove to be here this morning also. And Allen used his last vacation day of the year, so he could attend the service with his boys too.

I'm so proud of these men in my life ... I wish I had even remotely appropriate words to express my gratitude, but at the moment I can not find any ... so I'll let the pictures speak for me:


Traci Michele said...

Hi Heather!

That is so awesome! Thank you for your service, men! We honor you this day, and give God glory for watching over you!


~*Michelle*~ said...

That is great! So happy that your children are learning so much (first hand) from these honorable veterans. :)

Hanging Off The Wire said...

Very, very, very cool!!! :) Happy Veteran's Day!

Angie said...

What an amazing day!!!