Tuesday, March 04, 2008

3 hour glucose test - YUCK

Went in to take that 3 hour glucose test this morning ...YUCK. If you didn't already have an intolerance for sugar you sure will after drinking that gross stuff. I've had gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies, so they make me do this test every pregnancy. NOT one of my favorite days ... but this time it worked out ok as my dh had most of today off, so he came with me. Not that he could make the junk taste any less yucky or make me feel any less like throwing up from it, but it is so much nicer to not be alone when you feel that way. Isn't he a great guy?!!! I'm so blessed.

In between one of the blood draws we took a little walk, and went to the gift shop for a sudoku magazine (yep, we were pretty bored just sitting there), anyway like most hospital gift shops there was a wall of little plaques and art work. My dh starts to giggle and points out the one that says "Instant CHAOS, just ADD KIDS". I'll post a picture of it. We are always joking about the chaos in our home ... and here we are pregnant with #5 :-) Bring on the CHAOS!!! I think we thrive in it. We feel overcome with love for each other and all of our children, even though some days the house is a disaster zone and I feel like I'm running in 4 or 5 different directions at once. But our kids are healthy, happy, well adjusted and they know the love of their family ... but even more importantly they know the love of their Heavenly Father. And I've learned that sometimes God does great things out of chaos. So why not add more? And being the sweet wonderful man that he is, dh bought me the cute little ceramic plaque:


Kara Jo said...

Makes me smile.
Hope your Glucose test turns out OK. Wouldn't that be a nice blessing NOT to have gest. diabetes this time around? :)

Bradie Sparrow said...

Hi There!
Well it sounds like you are a busy mama! Congrats on your pregnancy. I just stopped in to say thanks for commenting on my blog. I enjoy sewing with my daughters too. Wishing you the best, Bradie