Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturday is Party Time!

Not only were we celebrating O's birthday with a great party today with some great entertainment by his scuba diving grandpa ... but thought I'd invite you all over to the Ultimate Blogging Party! Meet some new blogging friends and maybe win a prize!

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

If you want to join us just add a link at your blog and a short introduction to who you are, here is my intro:

Hi I'm Blessedw4mom, but soon to be Blessedw5! I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, who does not seem to be home much lately. I'm married to the most wonderful man, who I met in high school. I simply love sharing this journey with him everyday. We have 4 kids ages: 12, 9, 6, & 29 mos. With the next one due in June 2008! We also have two angel babies who never lived on earth, but are home now in heaven.

I'm trying each day to find the balance between giving our children enough "opportunities" and just letting them grow in grace at home. I'm finding that the most important lesson I could teach them in life is that "Its not about me ... but all about HIM!" - For clarification on that please look up John 3:30 & John 3:16

I love to meet new friends so please come on in and get to know me, leave me a comment or two ... I love to visit blogs!

As instructed, I'll leave my top prize picks:

#12 git cert. from Happy Panda - love that site!

#128 Yoga for Christians

#45 Custom Blog

Also liked #s 57, 84 ,97, 109, 147, 151,
But we'd also love anything pink and girly for our new baby girl
arriving in May.


That Chick Over There said...

Hello from the Party!

KarenW said...

Welcome to the party! I'm a homeschooling mom too.

Anonymous said...

I'm Sandy. Love the blog =) Have a blessed day!

Misty said...

you homeschool!!! i am a new homeschooling mom and every time i encounter a new blog with a fellow Christian homeschooling mom my heart does leaps!!! yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you! :) Congrats on your new addition this summer.

FireMom from Stop, Drop and Blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi, lounge sista and hello from the party!

Happy blogging!

jayedee said...

nicetameetcha! i'm jayedee, mom of 12, living in the sunshine state! party on dudette! lol. if you love chickens (and what woman doesn't love chickens?) check out the awesome giveaway on my blog this week!

MrsMomma said...

Stopping by to say Hi! Great party post!


Anonymous said...

Stopping in to say "Hi." What a great party post. I'd love to have you stop by my blog and visit my party.
Your lounge sister,

Anonymous said...

congrat's on your new baby! i've got 4 little ones myself!

Diane Viere said...

Hey there! Nice to bump into another Minnesoooootan!

And a very busy Minnesotan at that.

Enjoy the party neighbor!


Susannah said...

You have a beautiful family! And it's a pleasure to meet you.


e-Mom @ Chrysalis

daniele @ domestic serenity said...

hi! I'm a homeschooling mama too. glad to meet you...stop over!! happy party.

Wani said...

I'm the oldest of five kids (spread out over 15years!)! Being a part of a big happy family is great! We have lots of free babysitting now that we have two boys of our own!

Jenna Harris said...

Hey there! I have 5 kids too. Only mine are 8, 7, 5, almost 2 and 3 months.

We should definately be friends.

If you want to visit I'm at

Toia said...

I love the picture of you and your little one in the sidebar. Congratulations on your upcoming #5. I am a mother of three - 2 boys (11 and 9)and 1 little princess (5).

Come and party with me!!

Stay Bless and Blog on!!!

Unknown said...

Hi! Happy partying! :)
I'm inviting you to visit Hip Mama's Place--it's a cool online place for moms to hang out with fab giveaways, message board, and a directory to list your blog free! Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Bless You! You have a beautiful family -- it's so nice to see growing families! I'm a homeschooling mom too -- with five children -- my oldest 2 are already graduated and young adults. Stop by my site some time -- just getting started but hopefully it will blossom in time. Lorie

Jen said...

Thanks for stopping by! You have such cute blogs! I can't believe you are able to keep up with them all, homeschool the kids and are also pregnant with a new little angel! You are amazing!!! Congrats on the upcoming baby girl!

PumpkinsMom said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Wow- I'm impressed, four kids and you still have time to blog! Are your kids excited about the new baby?

Anonymous said...

Thanks and have a great time blog hopping! Good luck with the prize drawing.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

thanks for visiting my party! :)

i'm glad i stopped in and got to learn a bit more about you and your family. and wow - nursing for 12 years! that is one amazing super power! you go, mama! :) also, i think it's inspirational that you are practicing attachment parenting with 4, soon to be 5 kids. :)

momof5hix said...

I am a mom of 5 too. Mine are 6,4,2,and 9mo old twins. I am homeschooling in the fall and look forward to the new joys we will experience.

Unknown said...

Still hopping from blog to blog... my goal is to post at each blog at least once. Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

hi, nice to meet you! I`m a mom of just two (but have angels waiting, too) and am also homeschooling our 3 year old. I`m a work at home mom and a Canadian expat living in Guatemala . . . I`ve added more in my party post on my blog. :)