FOR TODAY Monday Dec. 15th
Outside My Window...
Its cold and I mean COLD, 6 degrees below zero and windy!
I am thinking...
we've had the tv on too much today ... making my boys argue
I am thankful for...
my 5 beautiful kiddos even when they fight
From the kitchen...
boys are requesting steak and baked potatoes
I guess that sounds do-able
I am wearing...
warm clothes and wool socks ... its below freezing here!
I am creating...
still working on christmas cards
I am going...
enjoy a family christmas party with my aunts, uncles and cousins this coming weekend
I am reading...
Everyday Deserves a Chance by Max Lucado
I am hoping...
I learn something from that book
I am hearing...
Baby Mary fussing, better go pick her up
Around the house...
only a few christmas decorations this year
From the schoolroom...
slow going today, again
One of my favorite things...
Dove chocolates
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
gymnastics, harp lessons, shopping and getting ready for Christmas party
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
We took this picture yesterday at church after the kids Sunday School program
Please come share your simple day with us at The Simple Woman's Daybook
Monday, December 15, 2008
Simple Womans Daybook
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 10:49 AM 3 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Pictures of Mary
Mom has pictures from almost every day of my life over at:
my first days of life Come on over and see!
From this day:
To this day:
Love ~ Miss Mary
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 08, 2008
Simple Woman's Day Book
FOR TODAY Dec. 8th, 2008
Outside My Window...
Its snowing!!!
I am thinking...
I'm cold, but the wht covering everything is so pretty
I am thankful for...
My kiddos, my hubby and extended family so near by.
They make family events like Birthdays and Thanksgiving so much fun
From the kitchen...
Chicken and cheese tortillas tonight
might make some carmel rolls for tomorrow morning ... this cold weather really kicks my sweet tooth into high gear!
I am wearing...
jogging pants and sweatshirt and my wool socks
I am creating...
Christmas cards
I am going...
to go pick up ds from gymnastics practice in about half an hour, should be fun ... roads look slippery and the snow is still coming down
I am reading...
Only whats necessary for school these days
I am hoping...
my hubby has a few days off over Christmas
I am hearing...
kiddos playing with legos
Around the house...
Hubby and one dc sleeping
one dc at gymnastics practice
others playing with legos
I'm online for a few minutes before i need to leave
From the schoolroom...
We've enjoyed a few new lapbooks.
Still feeling a bit behind, but catching up
One of my favorite things...
Pretty Christmas lights, on trees and houses ... just looks so festive
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Dh birthday is tomorrow (Tues) and we usually try to put our Christmas tree on his birthday, so the kids are really looking forward to that
To see the picture thought I am sharing...
Click Here
Please come share your simple day with us at The Simple Woman's Daybook
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 7:26 PM 1 comments
Simple Woman's Daybook
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Simple Woman's Day Book
FOR TODAY Monday November 17th
Outside My Window...
Its cold enough to snow
I am thinking...
What a mess this house is (sigh)
I am thankful for...
My messy house, because it is ours and we have 5 wonderful kids to mess it up
From the kitchen...
Coldcuts and cheese on french bread sandwiches and fruit for dinner tonight
I am wearing...
Jogging pants and a t-shirt ... took the kids to open gym earlier today
I am creating...
a knit little hat for Mary, its mostly orange with a little green top to look like a pumpkin
I am going...
CRAZY ... from looking at houses for sale and plans from builders ... really need to make a decision what we are going to do one of these days
I am reading... La Dolce Vida and other favorite blogs
I am hoping...
To honor and please God as I walk through my day
I am hearing...
My giggly 5 month old, playing with her 13 year old big sister ... what a wonderful noise
Around the house...
AHHHH ... its everywhere and its taking over
One of my favorite things... My kids! Ooops I guess thats 5 favorite things ;-)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Still trying to decide if we buy or build a new home, seeing a few more houses for sale and meeting with two different builders this week. One child has gymnastics three days this week, we all will eat dinner at church on Wed evening, one has choir practice on Wed., one has a harp lesson Thurs. and a horseback riding lesson on Fri. My 13 year old dd would like to go get her hair cut, go to try squeeze that in.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... A necklace I would like to win from Kristen at La Dolce Vita
Be sure to go visit her online store HERE
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 1:29 PM 2 comments
Simple Woman's Daybook
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Featured Reader
I was Kristen's Featured Reader today over at La Dolce Vida
Thanks Kristen!
Kristen makes the most beautiful jewlery. See photos of the necklace I bought here. And please help me win another piece of her beautiful jewlery by leaving a comment after reading my interview here
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Learning About Thanksgiving
We have really been enjoying using lapbooks this year as part of our learning and homeschooling. If you have not read much about lapbooks you might want to google it sometime. Below is a photos of the Thanksgiving Lapbook we are currently working on and we'll have it finished the end of this week and I'll post the finished project then. But for today I want to share the fun we are having learning about Thanksgiving.
We have ordered most of our lapbook sets from Hands of a Child and in this Thanksgiving unit there was a section on Thanksgiving feasts and food, so tonight we decided to try some of things the people at the first thanksgiving might have enjoyed, we even cooked over an open fire at grandma and grandpa's house:
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 10:58 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Our Bed
Ahhh ... these sweet morning moments when we are both just waking up:
When our oldest daughter was just a few months old we realized that the crib thing was just not working for our family, she stilled nursed frequently, seemed to need another warm body near by and both my dh and I slept better knowing she was right there next to us. So her crib became our oversized laundry basket and we were happy. But then we had to begin defending our way of sleeping. That was back before we had internet, so I found all my information at La Leche League meetings and from other moms, in books and in articles (we spent a lot of time in the library back in those days). I was glad to have the written and researched information to share with those who questioned if sharing a bed with our baby was the "right thing to do" or if it was really safe. I can never judge what is "right" for another mother or another family and I don't want to but for us this has always felt so right. I am so glad we followed our hearts and snuggled all our kids for a time in our "big bed".
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 10:32 AM 1 comments
attachment parenting
Friday, November 14, 2008
International Babywearing Week
Uh-oh, someone went and asked me to post about my favorite carriers ... this could be a long post;-)
I've posted about this before but in honor of this being International Babywearing Week I wanted share my favorite baby carriers and reasons we wear our babies.
Also wantd to let know your should visit Adventures in Babywearing to get some more great info.
Oh how I love babywearing! My stash at this point is still a bit "boyish looking" since my last three babies have been boys, so I'm looking forward to investing in some pink stuff for our Little Miss Mary
Here are a few photos of some of my favorites:
Probably what I consider my "most comfy wrap type carrier" is
My Storchenwiege Woven Wrap (plus I really like the colors)
After Zeke was born I discovered Mei Tais for the first time, thanks to another LLL Leader ... I LOVE my mei tais now! Not sure how I lived without them.
My first mei tai was a Freehand Mei Tai:This one turned out to be my dd's favorite one to use when she wears her brother
I have purchased and used a Sachi Mei Tai:
(yep we really were standing in our snow filled back yard)
But the Mei Tai I ended up using the MOST was my Maya Tie:
I do also own a Didymos Wrap, and though its not as comfy as my Storchenwiege Wrap, I like it bacause I got the one with the LLL logo on it. Had to have a friend of a friend pick this up in Germany for me:
And then there is my tried and true ring slings ... thats where it all started for me. I was first introduced to ring slings and babywearing at a LLL meeting when we lived in WA. I'll have to try dig up a photo of that one and scan it in (that was pre digital cameras, you know). Since then I have continued to get one brand new Over The Shoulder Baby Holder (otherwise known as OTSBH) sling for each new baby. I like the OTSBH in the newborn and tiny infant stage, then I tend to move on to Maya Wrap ring sling. Over the years I have learned to do about anything with babay or toddler in a sling, including tie dying!
Here are photos of my favorite Maya Wrap ring sling:
And when Mary was born I purchased a Hotsling in PINK!!!
And I should probably add:
A great place to read reviews on each kind of carrier is www.thebabywearer.com
My favorite place to order new slings and wraps
is Attached to Baby
My wraps are:
and Didymos
My Mei Tais are:
A Maya Tai
and a Sachi
My Ring Slings are:
Maya Wrap Ring Sling
Over the Shoulder Baby Holder
And if you would like to hear from other babywearing mama's and see some of their favorites please visit: Stephanie at Adventures in Babywearing
Posted by Blessedw5mom at 9:23 AM 1 comments
attachment parenting,