Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thankful Thursday!

Here is the verse Iris had at the top of her Thankful Thursday post:

“And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me, and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the Lord.” ~ Psalm 27:6 ESV

Hmmm... I want to sing to the Lord! I am thankful, truly thankful for all He has blessed me with. My Thankful Thursday posts could literally take all day if I posted all I had to be thankful for. But one area I feel needs my attention is prayer, so I chose to focus on prayer today ... my time to speak with my Lord, hear from my Lord and yes sing to my Lord. I am so thankful for this privilege of being able to speak with, pray to God, my Father.

I've journaled and blogged for a while now, but have seen quite a bit lately on "prayer journals". Some use plain blank note books, some have special printed pages to record dates and other specifics.

Please share with me your ideas: Do you use a special note book for prayer journaling? Where did you get it? Has it helped your prayer life?

Have a blessed week! Go check out the other thankful hearts at Iris's blog!