“Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!” ~ Psalm 24:7-9 (ESV)
This is the verse that nancy posted over on her site today for Thankful Thursday. To read more lists of thankfulness or to join us with your own list click here.
Here is my prayer of thankfulness and my list for this Thankful Thursday.
Oh Lord~ I'm so thankful for the kids sleeping in an extra half hour the last two mornings ... this has allowed me such sweet time with You! You have blessed my life, Lord, in so many wonderful ways! Thank you Thank you Thank you! Amen
- I'm thankful I have a Wonderful Merciful Lord, My Savior, Creator, Comforter and Friend.
- I'm thankful that our pastor has been preaching on Joy Makers and Joy Breakers using the book of Philippians. To hear his messages from the last few weeks click here. I'm certain you will be blessed, too.
- I'm thankful that the week our pastor started preaching from Philippians I found a small study on the book of Philippians to do in my quiet time.
- I'm so thankful for my daughter, Rosebud, and:
her love for the Lord,
her desire to read her Bible,
her desire to connect with role models that love the Lord,
her desire to write Bible studies for her and her friends to do.
I've prayed for her and tried to set a good example for her, but
all that she is can only be credited to God. I'm so thankful he
blessed my life with her.
- I'm thankful for my mom. Those of you who know us, know how very different my mom and I are, and sometimes that stresses our relationship ... but yesterday as I was praying the Lord brought to my mind thoughts about all the places my family lived when I was a child. I now consider those times, those experiences and those places a real blessing. I learned alot about being flexible, I learned that "home" is your family -not a location- I learned about other people and other places. By the time I was 11 we had called 6 different cities "home". These were spread out over 4 different states and 2 countries.
As a mom myself now, I realize what a sacrifice that must have been for my mom. Relocating again and again with little kids in tow. All the packing and unpacking, making new friends, new connections, sometimes needing to learn a new language. And in one place she had no phone and was often without a vehicle, as my dad needed it to get to work. Talk about isolation!!!
I have great respect for my mom and all she did in my childhood years. She and I may say and do things very differently, but I love her and I'm thankful for her.
I'm blessed with a wonderful Mom, too! They are so very special and as I realize all that my Mom has done for me and continues to do for me, I pray I can raise my children in the same manner.
Moms are precious, mine is now in heaven. I sure do miss her.
It sounds like you moved around because your father was in the service. I know that it is a huge strain on the family.
How cool that your daughter is writing Bible studies for her friends...God has mighty plans for her already.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart this past week.
Blessings to you and your precious family.
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