Monday, May 26, 2008

Child spacing in my life ....

I was thinking today about how our 5 children are spread out in ages over almost 13 years. All the different stages and ages we will have filling our house. As I'm washing teeny tiny baby clothes and stocking up on diapers and wipes, I'm also helping my eldest to write and type a missions support letter for her first mission trip. Its only 6 days long and they will only be about 5 hours away, but ... wasn't she just the baby I was preparing for? And in between those two I have other children learning to read, trying to learn to ride a two wheeler, longing for a deer hunting licence, and the two year old with a never slowing vocabulary explosion :-) Ahhh, the chaos and joy of it all ... I can't even begin to find adequate words.

I enjoy each age and stage immensely. I just wonder how we will juggle it all. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such sweet spirits, such growing and such love!


Melanie said...

I know all that can keep you SO busy at times, but what a blessing I bet it can be, too. So many different "ages and stages" all at the same time!

I looked at your calendar and see the newest addition to you family should be here by week end. I'll be praying for you all.

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

LOL!!!!!! You know I know what you mean!!!!!!!!!

These seasons do go by too quickly!

Am praying for your family!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing. Things have been pretty busy with our relocation and getting settled in a new home. But I was wondering about you and am glad to see you're still doing okay (even though on bedrest...). I hope to be seeing a post soon saying that you've had your little one and Mommy and baby are doing great!!!!

Take care,