Friday, April 24, 2009

Faith Hope and Lullabies

We have had great need for calming music lately, its been a long winter of illnesses, and I have honestly invested in several lullaby cds out of desperation. Any mom who has paced and rocked, paced and rocked, and paced and rocked with a sad little one during wee hours of the morning day after day after day will know the desperation I am talking about. Praise the Lord we are getting back to healthy and we have found a new favorite place to listen to Lullabies:

Faith, Hope & Lullabies

I hope you will go visit Faith Hope and Lullabies at their website. If you are in need of calming lullaby music, here is your chance! Or stock up on cds to give away as baby shower gifts, I can't think of a better gift!